

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Study + movie night

A raining night... Plan to start my revision since it is d 1st day of my study week....
I decided to go Mid valley starbucks to have my caramel hot chocolate....
Silentbread, my fren had been invited to join me... where i was hardwoking in revision, he hardworking on his work....
After a while, i suggested to watch movie, since he hv so much of movie bot watch yet.... Both dunno in what situation, v decided to watch in premium class in GSC Signature at the gardens... A very thankful night, he belanja me watch movie, Twilight Saga Part 2
As a return, i treat him a bottle of mineral water... LOL :-D
My 1st time of premium class had been given to him :)
At the end... I only able to complete 1 chapter... Cheer up... Continue tmr :p

a cup of caramel hot chocolate during mt revision session
opps...i look so hardworking... :D
silentbread is doing his work... OT at starbucks :)

my 1st time watching premiere class at GSC Signature.... but its toilet is not in premium class... LOL

a return from me for Silentbread... LOL 

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