

Thursday, December 13, 2012

13rd December 2012

A nice celebration of my 22th birthday and it just after my 1st and last exam on 121212  :D
what a nice day for me

after my exam, the 1st thing is we went to Secret Recipe for celebration!!!
celebrate for my birthday, this is the 2nd time the celebrate with me since we know each other....
Thank you kelly, kakak (li hui) and ming hui... i was so happy~~~~

then, time to get birthday gift...
see... what they buy for me
a shutter bug recycle bag and 3 small little pin

what a nice SH.. Shutter Bug!!!! Am I always did it??? LOL  

this is funny... to show my characteristic in their heart, i'm always syok sendiri!!! LOL

this is absolutely correct, i admit that i'm shopaholic, is time to delete my this bad habit!!!  :p

and this IN.... this is what new generation have!!!
# thank you very much, love u girlssssss so much <3 b="b">

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