

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


 A nice trip to P.Pangkor with a bundle of friendss and my loved one.
This is our 1st trip after we started our relationship!!!
It will be a memorable trip for me...><

This is the restaurant that v have our 1st day dinner. It services is quite good and the Loa Ban Niang is quite nice and friendly.....:)

A funny shots, still remember the movie of "u are my eye of apple" ?  LOL

a camwhore wit lou ma ji and lou dao....

snorkeling session....
we have our cycling session in noon time at P.Pangkor.
I was forgotten when is the last time I ride bicycle... :D 
a photo session at the beach......

Charlie Angels... LMAO

we have our 2nd day dinner at this restaurant. Never went to this restaurant again as it is expensive and bad services!!!
It is absolutely black listed !!!

a photo at Jetty before we leaving!!!!

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