

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Celebration

This is my 1st time celebrating Christmas with my beloved.....silentbread
A day back from Pangkor, we went for Christmas countdown at Publika, Mont Kiara and +Taps Beer Bar with my friends.  

1st of all v planned to countdown at Publika, but it looks like there is not happening here.....
so v just take some photo there as the Christmas decoration is quite nice and beautiful   ><
 this photo make me look like a children.... foot was stepping on the KLCC... LOL
our 2nd round at +Taps Beer Bar
at last, v decided to countdown at here.... wee wee
 A camwhore wit Christine and Kelly

Merry Christmas to my family, my beloved and all my friendsssssss

After celebrating Christmas eve, an outing on Christmas Day 25 December
we spend our day at Sunway Pyramid with lou dao and lou ma ji ......

1st : v had our brunch at Simply Penang. The taste of the food was normal and nothing special...

2nd : photo session with the Christmas decoration at Sunway Pyramid!!!!!

3rd : buy ourself a new shoes.... i bought an orange shoes @Payless with 30% discount to match my sharp orange blouse, whereas he bought a sharp red shoes at echo, its quite match with his red pants... :D

Last : sure to redeem my Starbucks 2013 Diaries!!!!! Yeah !!!!!

SATISFIED to the maximum, a best Christmas gift from Starbucks!!!! 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


 A nice trip to P.Pangkor with a bundle of friendss and my loved one.
This is our 1st trip after we started our relationship!!!
It will be a memorable trip for me...><

This is the restaurant that v have our 1st day dinner. It services is quite good and the Loa Ban Niang is quite nice and friendly.....:)

A funny shots, still remember the movie of "u are my eye of apple" ?  LOL

a camwhore wit lou ma ji and lou dao....

snorkeling session....
we have our cycling session in noon time at P.Pangkor.
I was forgotten when is the last time I ride bicycle... :D 
a photo session at the beach......

Charlie Angels... LMAO

we have our 2nd day dinner at this restaurant. Never went to this restaurant again as it is expensive and bad services!!!
It is absolutely black listed !!!

a photo at Jetty before we leaving!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

X'mas gift

My birthday had past, Merry X'Mas is coming, just left 1 one week!!!
Time passed through so fast, it's coming to the end of the year 2012.
On 16th night, when i was back from S'pore, I received an earlier X'mas gift from my loved one. <3 p="p">
Thank you for sending the gift in the lately night for me!!! :) 
Its really touching..... 
thank you!!!
Love u so much!!! 
photo that taken by him when he was looking a gift for me.... its so cute with a lying style!!!
A new friend for my little #hush

welcome #kangkang

Thursday, December 13, 2012

13rd December 2012

A nice celebration of my 22th birthday and it just after my 1st and last exam on 121212  :D
what a nice day for me

after my exam, the 1st thing is we went to Secret Recipe for celebration!!!
celebrate for my birthday, this is the 2nd time the celebrate with me since we know each other....
Thank you kelly, kakak (li hui) and ming hui... i was so happy~~~~

then, time to get birthday gift...
see... what they buy for me
a shutter bug recycle bag and 3 small little pin

what a nice SH.. Shutter Bug!!!! Am I always did it??? LOL  

this is funny... to show my characteristic in their heart, i'm always syok sendiri!!! LOL

this is absolutely correct, i admit that i'm shopaholic, is time to delete my this bad habit!!!  :p

and this IN.... this is what new generation have!!!
# thank you very much, love u girlssssss so much <3 b="b">