

Monday, December 23, 2013

Next Stage of My Life

Since we born to this world, we gonna face a lot of difficulty that happened in our life...
Everyone was jealous to the life of a baby, eat, sleep, and eat
When we are in primary school, we wish to be like an adult, as our parents always told us not to do this, not to do that... that's y we wish to grow up faster to try whatever it is "NO" for children.
when we reached secondary school, our life is changing.
Its either you are study smart, or you are in the last class. we will start ignoring what our parent told us, just go what we want.
After graduated secondary school, we were 17 and 18 years old at that moment. Most of us in this century will go further to diploma or degree level, no matter you able to study anot.
This is a must way for now a days.
I had struggle in this 3 years ++ to complete my degree level and holding a Bachelor Economics (HONS) Global Economics degree cert.
So..... for the next step, what should i do?????
Study further to Master?
Stop study life to get a Job??
Its not easy to make a decision on this. You'll never know what will goin to happen in our future.
Starting I would decide to go further to Master, but what is the reason for me to go for it???
My ambition is not to be a teacher or lecturer. I'm not interested to education field.
At the end, I choose to put a full stop at my degree level.
Decided to get a job 1st.
So, when you decided to get a job, what job do you want?
A high pay job, not you are not interested?
An interested job, but lower pay?
A job that related to your study field, but you might not really interested.
I'm goin to get crazy on this life.
At this moment, I choose to get consult from my lecturers and my senior.
Then come out with a mind.
Throw my resume out, interview for the job which is related to my field, I'm interested and had a better future overview :)

Saturday, December 14, 2013

23rd Birthday Celebration

This is the 1st year that my boyfie celebrate my birthday with me.
The next day of my birthday is our 1st anniversary also.
Just combine it in together.....
He bring me to a new place to have our dinner, which is Chef and Brew at Damansara Heights.
Its a nice environment, its design combined oriental and western style.

By the way, its food is nice also. If you like to eat beef, then you should try it rib eye. 
The price here is reasonable too.

Name of Restaurant: Chef and Brew
Address: G1.01, No 1, Jalan Medan Setia 1 (Bukit Damansara), WP KL 50490 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Things that never happen in my life before, my boyfie prepared breakfast for me... <3 nbsp="" p="">

I was feeling excited when he told me he wanna prepare western style breakfast for me, as he know I like to eat bacon. :)
finally, he make it on ytd morning....
His cooking skill is not bad, juz that the scramble egg is abit salty....
in overall,
95% la...

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

The Conjuring

The latest horror movie in the cinema in 2013. I had juz experienced it ytd night, its damn scary.
This is my first time watching horror movie in the cinema, and i guess this will be the last also. I don't think i still dare to watch horror movie in the cinema again.
This movie is captured from a true story of Warren. 
In 1971, Carolyn and Roger Perron move into a dilapidated old farmhouse in Harrisville, Rhode Island with their five daughters. During the first day, the family moves in smoothly, though the dog refuses to come into the house and one of the daughters finds a boarded up entrance to a cellar.
The next morning, Carolyn wakes up with a mysterious bruise and the dog is found dead. Over the next several days, various instances of paranormal activity occur. The activity culminates one night while Roger is away in Florida, as Carolyn is locked in the cellar while a spirit that looks like an elderly woman attacks one of her daughters.
Carolyn contacts noted paranormal investigator Ed and Lorraine Warren for help. The Warrens conduct an initial investigation and conclude that the house may require an exorcism, though this cannot be done without further evidence and authorization from the Catholic Church.
While researching the house's history, Ed and Lorraine discover that the house once belonged to an accused witch, Bathsheba, who tried to sacrifice her children to the devil and killed herself after cursing all who would take her land. The property was once 200+ acres but has since been divided up into smaller parcels. They find reports of numerous murders and suicides in houses that have since been built upon parcels that were once part of the property.
Ed and Lorraine return to the house in an attempt to gather evidence to receive authorization for an exorcism. One of the daughters sleepwalks into her sister's room and reveals a secret passage behind a wardrobe. Lorraine enters the passage and falls through the floorboards into the cellar, where she sees the spirits of people whom Bathsheba has possessed. All are mothers whom Bathsheba used to kill their children. Another of the Perron children is violently attacked and dragged along the floor by an unseen force.
Lorraine and Ed take their evidence to the Church to organize an exorcism while the Perron family takes refuge at a hotel. Ed and Lorraine's daughter is attacked in their own home by the spirits from the Perron house.
Carolyn, who was earlier possessed by the spirit of Bathsheba, takes two of her daughters, Christine and April, and drives back to the house. Ed, Lorraine, two of their assistants and Roger rush to the house where they find Carolyn trying to stab Christine. After subduing Carolyn, Ed decides to perform the exorcism himself, though Carolyn escapes and again attempts to kill her other daughter, April. Lorraine is able to temporarily distract the possessed Carolyn from killing her daughter by reminding her of a special memory she shared with her family, allowing Ed to complete the exorcism, saving Carolyn and her daughter.

To decide wheter watch it or not, u can have a look on the trailer 1st. Trailer : The Conjuring

Friday, June 21, 2013


Another bad day in my memories, when i'm going to pack my stuff to prepare to fong gong, my mom gave me a called tat my grandpa had passed away!!!!
He juz came back from China 2 days ago.

It really a bad news for me. when i heard it i re-flash back when i knew my dad passed away in year 2003.
At 1st plan to celebrate my grandpa's birthday in the coming month, at last have no chance to celebrate anymore.

Things will never go as what u wish.
Now only i know that i din take much of photos with my grandpa, it really make me feel regrade.
Everytime when i back to hometown, i sure will greet him with a very loud voice, sometimes will also play fool with him.

Whatever memories i had i will always remember it in my heart.

Grandpa, wish u'll have a good and great distance for ur next life.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Meet the right person at the right time

Lots of people having a long relationship, more than 5 years, 7 years even 10 years, only they realized that is not the right person.
But i trust that the world is fair enough, u'll always deserve the best person in ur life.
My ex, i tot he was the right person for me, but he is not.
I did hate him leaving me without a reason, even v just been together for only 3 months. All had just past through, it will not affect my future life.
Since last year, A friend that v know each other for more than 6 years, at last v r in together. Maybe this is our right time to meet up, to start on our relationship.
What u told me, what u did for me, i always remember and keep it in my heart. I know that U'll always want to make me feel secure.
U told me u feel happy and enjoy all the time with me, its a good things for u to end up ur first love.
No matter who is ur 1st or 2nd love, the one u wish to go on and on with is ME.
(I was really touching and dropped my tears)
U said that last time u dun like to take photo, but when v go together, u started take photo, every time when v meet up, sure we will take photos. :)
In this 4 month u did give me lots of memory, spending all my 1st time with u, we did a lot of stupid things together. Our 1st honeymoon trip is coming soon on 27th May, i was awaiting......
V love Spamming each other by using twitter(seriously, i active my twitter cz of u), we even though using our personal chat room to chat, post our photos, recording all our memory in this apps(Love bytes).
Thanks for giving me all the best and the great memories. I sure that our relationship will go on and on, going to the another stage. We will fight for our future life, I Waiting for the day u proposed to me. :)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Semester before internship

Life never go stop because of your stupid reason, time not enough, stress, hate to do assignment, etc.
Time, 24/7 will always not enough for those have no well-management in their time.
I'm one of it who have no well manege in my time. WTF!!!
This semester is my last semester to go for my internship on June 2013. this semester is freaking busy and stress for all my assignment, final year project(FYP) and interviews.
We keep on postpone out schedule on starting our FYP by giving a reason of lazy, tired, or busy.
Next wed is the due date for all those FYP, VIVA and assignment. We gonna pack it all into gather, finish our 100 pages of thesis within 3 weeks.  Econometric assignment within 1week. If we able to do it, are we an expert?! hahahahahaha

On the other side, schedule my time for interview. I started to submit and sent out my CV since Jan 2013, getting offer letter from Zalora for intership position, due to high demand of good working environment, related to my study field, I lost the internship position in Zalora. WTH!!!!
 I gonna cont sent out my CV to others companies. Life never go what u want. When i need a job, there is nobody call me up for interview. When I had decided to accept the offer from others company, I started get call from lots of company to seek for interview.

No choice, gotta go for it to choose the most suitable. I wish to work in Borsch, but when I had decided to sign on the offer letter in this coming monday, she called me up..... WTF!!!
Hate it!!!
I get dilemma in choosing a suitable job for myself~~~~~

What my boyfie told me :
boyfie:  y u wanna go for Borsch?
me: cause of it working environment, the popularity of the company, and the high pay for intern students (RM800) lol
boyfie: is the job scope and job task relate to ur study field?
me: nope
boyfie: u nd a high pay job or a job that related to ur study field?
me: errr......related to my study field lol
boyfie: tats y, just go for DKC-Smith, nearer to ur house, RM650, no nd work on sat, flexible working time, save up ur parking fees.

At last, I make myself to have a decision. I go for DKC-Smith. I'll go to sign the offer letter and submit it.

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Happy Girls Day

3月7号是女生节 据说在这天 男生要无条件顺从女生的要求 没有拒绝的权力
在这一天结束后 女生如果觉得满意 给予男生一个吻

男生们 在你喜欢的女生面前好好表现吧!


‎3月7号是女生节据说在这天 男生要无条件顺从女生的要求 没有拒绝的权力

在这一天结束后 女生如果觉得满意 给予男生一个吻



男生们 在你喜欢的女生面前好好表现吧!


Saturday, March 02, 2013

Candy Crush

Candy crush in nowadays become popular, friends surrounding was crazy on this games, included me.
For true, it is really interesting as it help to exercise our brain. But 1 thing is it could annoying ur friends, as when u hv finished ur live, u'll need your friends to sent u the lives to continue the game. 
Even though my little sohai was addicted by the game also. LOLOL....

Friday, February 15, 2013

Big surprise

A very big surprise on my Valentine Day. He travel all the way from kl to penang, to find me, to give me a surprise.
The day before he act like nothing, act like dun care about valentine day, sum more act like very busy in the whole day only a 'Happy Valentine Day',but actually was planing all the time. :-)
So sweet my loved.
He knew i will at hometown for cny all the week. He planed to come over on valentine day to bring me a great surprise.
He asked my lou ma ji to call me, ask me to went to Chew Jetty, as i was there looking for wall painting with my family yesterday. Suddenly his mom called me, i was shock and surprise why is his mom here, before i never heard that he will come. His mom said he purposely come over to give me a surprise. I was like 'WHAT?!'
After that only i saw him bring a bouquet of roses and lily for me, a letter wrote by him(his hand writing is not nice, but it is lovely) and a travel itenary (a flight ticket to Hong Kong in this coming May).
I was touching, however the surprise is not really successful, not really really get shock, but thank you for doing this for me, thank you for your love to me.
To make understand and know that u really care about me and valentine day!

Woei Kang, Love U so much. <3
I really appreciate what u did for me and You are the 1st who did this to me.
Thank you!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine Day

Today is 14th February, Happy Valentine Day. Wish all my friendssss Happy Valentine Day. For those in couple wish u all have a long long relationship till the end. Whereas for those who are still in single could get a partner as soon as possible!!!
Me myself, 2day is happy valentine day and also our 2nd month anniversary. For me it is an important day, Badly v could not celebrate our 1st valentine day and our anniversary. As can't celebrate, i was very upset, but v have no choice as it held during chinese new year week, we are in different place.
There are a lot of unpredictable happen on us, our 6 years friendship end up started our relationship. I have no idea on why u keep on asking me to wait. since u didn't plan to tell and i will not asking anymore. No matter how, i hope our relationship could go longer and longer.
I Love U!!!

Tuesday, February 05, 2013


A nice Bali trip with a gang of fai cai on 28 Jan 2013 for 4 days 3 night!!! 
our friendship started from our secondary school,
its around form 2. 
This is our 1st trip in 2013
In this trip v only spend around RM600 for 
water sports, water rafting, shopping, F&B and etc.
As our flight ticket and hotel are very cheap, so this trip only spend me less than 1k. 
It is cheap and memorable. Alot of funny and 'so hai' things v did... 

this is the 1st time that i saw her wearing high heels... XD

capturing with a slipper vendor machine

big family photo

gang of girlsss....only 3 of us


photo shooting in Pull & Bears

WTF!!! traffic light

big shoes from Pull & Bears...its so cute

v shop at tanah lot....

our 4 days 3 night at this hotel!!! nice environment and the price is reasonable!!
POP Hotel!
our bed war in our room every nite!! LOL

crazy dou....surfing in the room

gang of boysssss
their tumbler are damn cheap...all r below rm30
all of us crazy for it!!! XD

our last photo session at POP Hotel!!!
Do all of us look like life guard?! hahahahhaha

Saturday, January 26, 2013

New Hair Colors

Chinese New Year is coming soon, everybody was busying on busy 
new cloths, new stuff, changing new hair style.
So...I would like to blog about my new hair colors. A colors that i never ever dye it before. XD

Actually i would like to do deep-dye, but after the hairstylist not recommend me to do so, as it is not lasting
then she recommend me to do only a side, as i can easily change whatever color i like.
I dye red for my whole head, then i dye purple and green on my right side.
It still look dark and not obvious, but 2 weeks later, it will become lighter and lighter and become obvious, it will look naturally!!
I was very satisfied with the result !!! XD

Monday, January 07, 2013

Night at Melacca

A great night with my lovely friends... Lolol
Our trip is full of eating...lolol
Our 1st station is have melacca famous chicken rice at Jonker Walk Street, however 2day is monday, school holidays was end, but there is still hv the population here....
After this, v hv a walk at Mahkota Parade and have our late tea time at Nadeje, layer cake that I love the most!!!!
For our dinner, we have Satay Celup at Capitol, it is quite famous at Melacca, actually..... The taste is not that nice as what i expected.
After this, we plan to look for dessert, unluckily the ginger tau fu fa which opposite Capitol Satay Celup closed on Monday... Sign....
Fine.... Then v walk around Jonker Street to digest as we had eat alot...... Lolol
At night, we have girls talk at Wings Music Cafe, the environment here is quite good, drinks at here was satisfied... Besides, its services is good!!!

Its a great place to yum cha when u are at Melacca.. :D

this is the hotel that v stay, "D' Hotel"
it open since last year, and the price was reasonable
it cost RM138 per night, for Deluxe Twin Room.
its creative and innovative, they recycle and reuse the empty bottle. XD