

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Semester before internship

Life never go stop because of your stupid reason, time not enough, stress, hate to do assignment, etc.
Time, 24/7 will always not enough for those have no well-management in their time.
I'm one of it who have no well manege in my time. WTF!!!
This semester is my last semester to go for my internship on June 2013. this semester is freaking busy and stress for all my assignment, final year project(FYP) and interviews.
We keep on postpone out schedule on starting our FYP by giving a reason of lazy, tired, or busy.
Next wed is the due date for all those FYP, VIVA and assignment. We gonna pack it all into gather, finish our 100 pages of thesis within 3 weeks.  Econometric assignment within 1week. If we able to do it, are we an expert?! hahahahahaha

On the other side, schedule my time for interview. I started to submit and sent out my CV since Jan 2013, getting offer letter from Zalora for intership position, due to high demand of good working environment, related to my study field, I lost the internship position in Zalora. WTH!!!!
 I gonna cont sent out my CV to others companies. Life never go what u want. When i need a job, there is nobody call me up for interview. When I had decided to accept the offer from others company, I started get call from lots of company to seek for interview.

No choice, gotta go for it to choose the most suitable. I wish to work in Borsch, but when I had decided to sign on the offer letter in this coming monday, she called me up..... WTF!!!
Hate it!!!
I get dilemma in choosing a suitable job for myself~~~~~

What my boyfie told me :
boyfie:  y u wanna go for Borsch?
me: cause of it working environment, the popularity of the company, and the high pay for intern students (RM800) lol
boyfie: is the job scope and job task relate to ur study field?
me: nope
boyfie: u nd a high pay job or a job that related to ur study field?
me: errr......related to my study field lol
boyfie: tats y, just go for DKC-Smith, nearer to ur house, RM650, no nd work on sat, flexible working time, save up ur parking fees.

At last, I make myself to have a decision. I go for DKC-Smith. I'll go to sign the offer letter and submit it.

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