

Monday, January 07, 2013

Night at Melacca

A great night with my lovely friends... Lolol
Our trip is full of eating...lolol
Our 1st station is have melacca famous chicken rice at Jonker Walk Street, however 2day is monday, school holidays was end, but there is still hv the population here....
After this, v hv a walk at Mahkota Parade and have our late tea time at Nadeje, layer cake that I love the most!!!!
For our dinner, we have Satay Celup at Capitol, it is quite famous at Melacca, actually..... The taste is not that nice as what i expected.
After this, we plan to look for dessert, unluckily the ginger tau fu fa which opposite Capitol Satay Celup closed on Monday... Sign....
Fine.... Then v walk around Jonker Street to digest as we had eat alot...... Lolol
At night, we have girls talk at Wings Music Cafe, the environment here is quite good, drinks at here was satisfied... Besides, its services is good!!!

Its a great place to yum cha when u are at Melacca.. :D

this is the hotel that v stay, "D' Hotel"
it open since last year, and the price was reasonable
it cost RM138 per night, for Deluxe Twin Room.
its creative and innovative, they recycle and reuse the empty bottle. XD

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