

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Y U'll nvr understand, nvr know what am I thinking about !!!
Everytime when I wanna find U,
I will feel that U are not willing to talk to me,
not willing to chat with me! :(
Always showing me ur sweat face......

I juz need a talk,
I jz nd someone to share with me......
But YOU nvr nvr know.
When U nd me,
When U find me,
Why muz I reply u!!!
It is bcz I care about U ???
But when I nd U,
When I was in bad mood,
I nd a talk,
u'll nvr know !!!
Everytime when I was in bad mood,
When I was Emo+ing,
I jz wanna talk to U.

Am I too close to U.
Am I annoying U.
Tats y u wanna keep a distance with me,
Wanna walk away from me.

Mayb U'll have ur own problem and trouble !!!
I'll juz support U at ur back !!!

I'll start ask myself not to find U !!!
I'll try to solve my problem myself !!!
I'll try to ask myself stop sharing my trouble to U !!!
Hopes that this is wat U want.

Just Be Happy !!! :D

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