

Friday, September 14, 2012

Stage Management Group (SMG)

Count back from 2day I was in SMG about........
 5 years?? 
I don't really remember when was I join in this group.
But I still remember when I register to enter this group, 
I was totally not clear and dunno what is this group build for !!!  LOL
After joining in, and training only I know what isi it for.
It as a back stage of the event, 
in the conclusion is v need to do all the stuff (one leg kick) that could make the event successful !!!! 

This is the event for 50th merdeka day, 1st time joining in SMG and also the 1st big event I start to learn what SMG did about. 
After this is the 53th Merdeka Day

 We did learn about first aid.  

Then is the 80th Anniversary of SGM, all of us are compulsory to wear formal!!! 

PS: 2 of us wearing same brand and same pattern of top !!! LOL

the 1st time joining for the external event - Faye Wong on Nov 2011at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil
It's a good experience for me.
Team for girls
Team for guys
They show us the sample of the ticket and teach us how to recognize the original copy.
The latest event in 2012 is the 55th Medeka Day 
Team of Controller !!! 
Thankssssss to 2 of u on teaching me and help me lots during duty!!!

Selangor 'PIG'  :p
She is my SMG 'Lou Ma Ji'
she is going to married soon~~~~~ in this coming October !!!
Congratulation!!!!  :)

Wish to stay in SMG forever and ever!!!
Love u all so so so much !!!! 

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