

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Where are u??

2nite will be a long long nite for me.
I have to sleep in the hostel alone, as my bedmate is not here.....
Tmr need to went to work, need to wake up earlier, i have no choice to came back to overnite at hostel.
Everytime when i was alone at here, u'll accompany me, will pujuk me, let me sleep well, will whatsapp me, BUT 2nite u are not online!!!
Where are u?! Where had u go?! I was alone at here, i was scare at here!!!
However, before that u had been ask me to b strong, learn to sleep alone without switching on the table lamp, but i still can't do it. Its hard for me! Hope that 1 day i can really do it, sleep alone without switching on the table lamp.
Good night!!! :)

Monday, September 17, 2012

New Hair Style

Finally I go for my new hair style...
I was considering, thinking when to make it...
This is my 1st time to curl my hair for permanently~~~~
Finally I went it on Sunday with my friend at one of the salon at Kepong. 
"One Way Salon"
I was decided to make korea perm, 
coz it will not look too curly and it looks natural curl. 
Front View : It make me look like an alien !!!
Back view

My fringe

I was satisfied with the result !!!  :P
Front view
Back view

Friday, September 14, 2012

Stage Management Group (SMG)

Count back from 2day I was in SMG about........
 5 years?? 
I don't really remember when was I join in this group.
But I still remember when I register to enter this group, 
I was totally not clear and dunno what is this group build for !!!  LOL
After joining in, and training only I know what isi it for.
It as a back stage of the event, 
in the conclusion is v need to do all the stuff (one leg kick) that could make the event successful !!!! 

This is the event for 50th merdeka day, 1st time joining in SMG and also the 1st big event I start to learn what SMG did about. 
After this is the 53th Merdeka Day

 We did learn about first aid.  

Then is the 80th Anniversary of SGM, all of us are compulsory to wear formal!!! 

PS: 2 of us wearing same brand and same pattern of top !!! LOL

the 1st time joining for the external event - Faye Wong on Nov 2011at Stadium Putra Bukit Jalil
It's a good experience for me.
Team for girls
Team for guys
They show us the sample of the ticket and teach us how to recognize the original copy.
The latest event in 2012 is the 55th Medeka Day 
Team of Controller !!! 
Thankssssss to 2 of u on teaching me and help me lots during duty!!!

Selangor 'PIG'  :p
She is my SMG 'Lou Ma Ji'
she is going to married soon~~~~~ in this coming October !!!
Congratulation!!!!  :)

Wish to stay in SMG forever and ever!!!
Love u all so so so much !!!! 

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Y U'll nvr understand, nvr know what am I thinking about !!!
Everytime when I wanna find U,
I will feel that U are not willing to talk to me,
not willing to chat with me! :(
Always showing me ur sweat face......

I juz need a talk,
I jz nd someone to share with me......
But YOU nvr nvr know.
When U nd me,
When U find me,
Why muz I reply u!!!
It is bcz I care about U ???
But when I nd U,
When I was in bad mood,
I nd a talk,
u'll nvr know !!!
Everytime when I was in bad mood,
When I was Emo+ing,
I jz wanna talk to U.

Am I too close to U.
Am I annoying U.
Tats y u wanna keep a distance with me,
Wanna walk away from me.

Mayb U'll have ur own problem and trouble !!!
I'll juz support U at ur back !!!

I'll start ask myself not to find U !!!
I'll try to solve my problem myself !!!
I'll try to ask myself stop sharing my trouble to U !!!
Hopes that this is wat U want.

Just Be Happy !!! :D

Monday, September 10, 2012

A nice voice from Tiffany Alvord

Tiffany Alvord, a singer from California, and just 19 years old girl. She has a nice voice.
However she has no an album yet, but she is famous in Facebook.

I found a songs in Facebook "As Long as You Love Me" which covered by Tiffany Alvord. 
It sound better than the version of Justin Bieber.  

Besides, Payphone from Maroon 5 that covered by here brings a totally different version. 

Thursday, September 06, 2012

Part of Life

The day before, I was though that u will be part of my life, sharing my happy and unhappy things to you.
I was  though that v will have the same feel to each other, loving and caring each other.
Every word that u say to me, I care about, and I always remember it in my heart.
Especially the day u accompany me and walk with me to my car.
I was wondering the time will just stop at that moments. XD
And also the next day, we walk together, v talk to each other.  :)
Do u know that, the day after when u call me 'baby', I feel warm and caring. :D
Everytime when I was unhappy, alone in hostel, feel stress till can't sleep,  the only person in my mind is U.
I always wish to get encourage from u to cheer me up.
But u'll never know it. :/
Always ask myself not to find, not to annoy u, not to miss u, not to miss talking to u, but I failed.
Cz I have a lots of happy and funny things that wish to share with U.

On the past 2 weeks when I heard from someone that you like a girl,
I was caring and wanted to know who is she, summore I need to pretend like nothing.
I was asking myself am I able to replace her in your heart. Am I more important than her in your heart.
I wanted to ask you, but I not dare. I know that I have no rights to ask U.
I will always jealous to your very close 'girl-friend', however you did told me she is just your little sister. And  I tried to be good to her, but I still feel jealous when u r good to her. When u ask am I jealous when u go out with her, I wish to say YES!!!

At the same time, I used to make u jealous when I was good to him, I wish that u will say U care about.
But when I ask do u feel jealous, the answer from u is "NO".  :(
I really feel happy when u ask me did I have anything lying to u about me n him.
But at last, u pretend like nth. U din't keep on asking !!!
Sometimes, I can't even differentiate that u really don't care about or......... u juz pretend like nth.
Or U really BLURRRRR till can't even feel how much I care about u.

In this midnight, I was doing my last preparation for my 1st final paper, I was stressful and worry about. Feeling unwell, and cry in my room!!!
I tried to find u, hope to get encourage from u, but failed.
U not giving me any encourage, and ask me to find him :(
Just put me a side and do ur stuff!!!
Do u know how much I HURT!!!!!

I wish to be STRONG !!!!!!

Mayb I get the wrong feel from u. Whatever I think , I feel before is wrong.
Maybe u treat me juz like a friend or even though juz a little sister. :/
You started not caring on me, stop finding me, stop whatsapp me, eventhough u leave comment on others ppl post, but u din ever leave a comment on mine.
I wish to know why!!!
Should I learn to go away from u??!!
I'm like all the way the only one who care about u, who needs you. And U doesn't care about.
If u willing to step forwards, I'll strive for it !!!!

Can I still........
OR I should give myself a timeline to find out the answer
OR just let u go, and put down all those feel from U.......

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

A day before my Final Exam, the 1st paper.  
While v r doing our revision, Ken as us to watch a video, it is damn funny and idiot !! 
A songs of " 1 thing 1 Direction which is covered by a Hong Kist, AhG! 
He translated the song into Cantonese version. 
This video make us cant really concentrate on our study and keep on laughing and laughing !!! 
LOL !!! :D
Eventhough when v goin to slp, our mind was keep on floating his songs, and laugh it !!! :p

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Hari Kemerdekaan 55 Janji Ditepati

Hari Kemerdekaan 55th, v once again created our history!!!

Flat bearers, they used 2 weeks to learn all those step,
they are the BEST!!!

They are heading to Stadium National!!! Show Start!!! 


He is drawing!!!

My lovely bro is in also, he is one of the PIC!!!

souvenir for the performers by work comm....

They are in the newspaper...

Eventhough One FM also promoting SGM


P55 Merdeka Rehearsal Day Performance by Soka Gakkai Malaysia (video)

P55 National Day by Soka Gakkai Malaysia (video)

SGM are the BEST!!!
I am proud of you!!!