

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Yesterday is my first time to stay back in 2009 for joinning BUCK(yellow house) summore its not my rumah sukan...actually i'm LOW TI KOK(blue house) wan...because of a white guy i transfer to BUCK,the white guy is a exchange student from belgium,he's really a handsome white guy....hahaha....his name is Nils,he will just stay here for half year means after June he will say bye to us. 为了得到他的注意力我竟然参加了 100m,lembing and lontar peluru...hahaToday,recess time i meet him ,i'm very happy to saw him and he say HI to me....我真得无法想象他竟然还记得我咧,好开心哦!我相信我们的关系还可以在进一步的。(真是不要脸啊!)haha

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