

Thursday, November 01, 2012

New Family Member

Welcome our new member, she is So Hai, she came from Japan, so her full name is Haruna SoHai.  LOL XD
 Haruna SoHai
besides, i would also introduce our existing members, the 1st member who join in our house is........
 八大粒, her name is created by our kakak, Li Hui 
so next to introduce is........ SHE from kelly ~~~~  BuBu
 is he look familiar?! most of my frens know him very well, and always c him in my Instagram also
he is HUSH
photo of the existing family memberssss.......... :D

photo of family memberssss with So Hai !!!!   LMAO 

 she is sayang+ing BuBu, so sweat!!!!
 she is sayang+ing the other members also...... :)
see......what she did??!!  >.<
she wanna drink water!!!! 

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